the angry young man...

Thursday, August 19, 2004
Where did it begin?

The never-ending trail of sludge that we are told is our Modern day Political process?

How often do you like being told what to do?
How often do you like being told what to do when you don’t agree at all with what you are being told?

Quit your bitchin’ if you’ve never voted, quit your bitchin’ if you’ve never spoken up in mixed company when insulted, put down or otherwise felt differently.

The shit you allow to float your way is your own shit.

Are you fat?
Stop eating all that shit you clog your arteries with.

Hate your job?
Get a different one.

Have a shit relationship. Work at it or get the fuck out tha way.

I bullshit like everyone else does, maybe more so, maybe simply better than you.

I don’t claim to know all the answers, but I demand to hear the questions.

We keep bitchin’ bout “Bush stole the election”!


Who the fuck made it so close an election to begin with? Idiotic Gore who refused to accept any help from the first Black President (Clinton) in the South?

Or, maybe you are dim-witted enough to blame Ralph Nader. A man with no money, no Corporate backers, who has, and continues to try to shake up the dormant masses of youth that I am more and more embarrassed each day to call my generation.


The guy trying to teach our politically retarded citizens to say no the fucking Status Quo by showing how the “System” is supposed to work.

These disjointed States of America are no longer of and for the peeps.
It is our fucking fault. It’s mine, it’s yours.

You don’t like the bowl of soup you got at the diner, you send it back. You don’t like the President, you bitch and moan pointing your fingers at everyone but yourselves.
Fuck you, fuck you very much.

Go watch your Corporate sponsored bullshit Michael Moore flicks, listen to your “Alt Rock” anti-war songs/bands that “rage against the machine” while being sponsored by
K-mart or filmed by MTV, on their stupidity training courses running 24/7 on the fucking stations that fund Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Ashcroft/Wolfowitz/Pearle, etc, fucking, etc…

Michael Moore is a big, fat, fucking fake millionaire that you only find so fucking amazing and eye-opening because you’re so blind to your own existence in this world. Has he helped you, your family, your friends, anyone other than his own production Co, his business interests? Why are his pockets any better than the Bushs’?

Yo, D.C. peeps, get your fucking heads out of your wonderbread, over-intellectualizing, over-educated, dumb asses and stop treating political action/rallies as parties until you actually have something to party about.

If you lose, you are a loser. If you win, you are a winner.
Those are the rules bitches.

Write ‘em down, read ‘em daily and open your eyes to the possibility of Death and Destruction the likes of which only the fervent Bible-Thumpers are hoping/waiting for for their ultimate Salvation.

Where will you find your Salvation?

Mine is in my heart and mind, and I have lost all patience with you silent assassins of Democracy.

The evil that has scarred our planet since it’s birth began with silent minorities looking the other way. You Black, Brown, Red and Yellow peoples like me should feel the worst of the pack. Our parents were either forced to leave their homelands or otherwise left to attempt to change OUR lives, to better OUR lives, because of communist, tyrannical, totalitarian, or dictatorship government’s like the one we are fueling here at home with our silent ignorance.

The revolution will be on Pay-Per-View (free re-broadcast immediately after the live event with purchase), and your ignorant asses can’t afford it or even find out what channel it’s on.

Now go back to your fucking hipster, cool t-shirt, 70’s slacks wearing bullshit, post-film premiere/Fanzine/CD/record release party.

Yes, I am angry as all fucking Hell. Why aren’t you?

Know your enemies better than your friends.


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